Changing Lanes Carelessly A Major Cause Of Vehicle Accidents

The side-view mirrors on motorcycle and motor vehicles have the same printed words: Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear. However, what many drivers seem to forget is that the side-view mirrors are not representative of all driving activity occurring on either side of a drivers vehicle. In fact, many car accidents occur as a result of careless lane changes that do not account for other drivers. These are some of the most common ways to cause accidents that could be avoided if you took more precautions:

1. Careless Lane Changes Often times, drivers think that they only need to put their blinker on and check their rear view mirror before making a lane change. However, this is not true. Accidents are not always caused by flying vehicles, set on fire, as they are portrayed in fast-pace Hollywood blockbusters. Rather, millions of car accidents are caused each year by careless mistakes; one of them being careless lane changes. If drivers took the extra few seconds to check over their shoulders to affirm that there is no car or other vehicle in their blind spot, then many accidents, and serious injuries, could be prevented. On the other hand, all drivers should be alert and responsive to their surroundings. In order to avoid being involved in an accident due to a drivers carelessness, make sure to keep your distance between the car ahead of you and the car behind you. Furthermore, make sure not to be driving exactly parallel to the vehicle in the next lane over. By just abiding by these tips can significantly decrease your chance of involvement in an auto collision.

2.Speeding In a similar light, drivers are often involved in preventable auto accidents due to speeding and reckless driving behavior. The vast majority of accidents involve individuals who were distracted or negligent. In order to avoid being involved in an unnecessary accident, make sure to abide by the state and federal set speeding regulations. Cars will frequently weave in and out of traffic and other vehicles if they are in a rush, or simply because they are impatient with the rate that the traffic flow is going. However, with a record number of cars in California, cars coming on and off the freeways simultaneously can be caught by surprise by a speeding vehicle resulting in an accident. Therefore, make sure to practice safe driving habits and keeping your eyes on the road at all times.
These two tips can help you to avoid a possible accident or even a potential lawsuit.
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