Michigan No-fault Auto Insurance Policies - Coordinated & Uncoordinated Medical

Michigan No-fault Auto Insurance Policies - Coordinated & Uncoordinated Medical Coverage

If you have been injured in a Michigan car accident, truck accident, or motorcycle accident you may be available for either coordinated medical coverage or uncoordinated (primary) medical coverage depending on what type of no-fault auto policy you selected.

Under the Michigan No-Fault law, if a person is injured in a Michigan accident, the insurer must pay all the reasonable charges for products, services, and accommodations till the person's recovery.

**Michigan Coordinated Medical Coverage

If you have selected coordinated coverage as your no-fault auto policy, you must submit your medical bills to your health care insurance or HMO first. With the coordinated medical coverage, the insurer will pay for the reasonable and necessary care/expenses that is not covered by your health insurance or HMO.

The No-Fault auto insurer does require proof that the bills have been submitted to your health care insurance first. The auto insurer will pay the medical coverage if after the bills have been submitted, they were either rejected or partially paid.

If you have a deductible with your coordinated coverage, payments made by your primary health insurance will be used towards satisfying the deductible.

If your primary health insurance does not cover medical expenses or you do not have health insurance coverage on your policy, payments will be reduced to $300 in addition to your deductible if any. Medicare is an example of a health insurer that does not cover medical expenses for car accident injuries. In this scenario, you would submit your medical expense bills directly to your No-Fault auto insurer.

**Michigan Uncoordinated Medical Coverage

If you have selected uncoordinated coverage or primary medical coverage as your no-fault auto policy, your medical bills may be paid twice. Your health insurer will pay the provider and the auto insurer will pay you.

Your health insurance may not always cover medical expenses. In fact, health insurance plans try to avoid paying for medical expenses caused from car accident injuries. Some health insurance plans use policy language stating that if a person has no-fault coverage they will not cover medical expenses. However, other policies state that to prevent duplication of benefits being paid they will not cover medical expenses if the victim has an uncoordinated or primary no-fault policy.

When choosing a health insurer, you should always inspect their policy to establish whether or not they would cover your medical expenses if you were to be injured in a Michigan car accident.

How Your Weston Lawyer Can Help With Child Custody

Any good Weston child custody attorney knows that the key to working out an agreeable custody arrangement is focusing on the facts of the case rather than the emotions. Regardless of what happened between you and the other parent, you have certain parental rights and so does he or she. Your attorney knows the legal process and how judges handle custody cases. Although you may be going through a very emotionally trying time, focusing on the facts is the way to ensure that in the end, your children can have the best possible future, and that you will not be denied your parental rights nor be cheated financially.

By Safeguarding Your Parental Rights

Your spouse or partner may tell you that you're the worst parent ever, and may try to make everyone else think that too. But when it comes down to the legal process, a judge rules on custody, time sharing, and child support based on the facts and the law, not on how horrible your co-parent accuses you of being. Of course it hurts when your partner accuses you of all kinds of terrible behavior, but your job is not to change their mind. Your job is to ensure that you get to have the best possible relationship with your children, and your Weston child custody attorney knows how to navigate the process that allows that to happen.

By Guiding You Through the Custody Procedure

When it comes to child custody cases, there are certain procedures for determining time sharing, child support, and how major decisions are made on behalf of the children. Much of this is tedious and time consuming, but going through the process with dignity and in keeping with the law is better for all concerned.

By Ensuring Children Are Provided For

Every parent wants what is best for their children, and although opinions may differ strongly on what "the best" is, your Weston lawyer knows the law and how such things are decided legally. Child support is determined objectively based on income, and time sharing must result from both parents coming to an agreement that allows children to have both parents in their lives. Child custody cases are not the place to try to get revenge on a spouse, no matter how badly he or she may have behaved. Your Weston family lawyer knows how to proceed rationally and not give in to emotion during what is often a very difficult time.

By Remaining Calm in an Emotional Situation

Few situations are as emotionally trying as determining a fair a child custody agreement. While nobody expects you to be perfectly calm at all times, working with an experienced Weston family attorney ensures that regardless of the accusations or tactics either side may try, an agreement that is fair to both parents and that first and foremost provides for the welfare of the children will be reached. Unfortunately, child custody cases often bring out the worst in people, but working with experienced legal counsel means that the situation will be handled in accordance with the law, and that children will provided for and will continue to have both parents in their lives.

Blogger SEO Experiment

It takes just as long to do something wrong as it does to do something right.

Since writing about Google AdSense and Tips for Increasing Page Views i have continued to read about more ways to increase page views and make money through Google AdSense.

It has been a bit overwhelming with all of the techniques people use. The goal is to get people to visit your site and click on your ads. But there are thousands of ways to do that. The big problem that i've found is Not Enough Time.

Here is what i created to help myself better understand the whole process. This is a graphical view of my current blog SEO profile:
blogger SEO profile, outline, plan, make money, adsense, graphical

And this is what i was planning on making:
blogger SEO profile, future, link wheel, pyramid, backlinks, revenue, outline, plan, make money, adsense, graphical
Long story short i decided to forget about making a new blog and focus more on "tweaking" my current pages. So as of right now, my Future Blog Outline is on the back burner.

This is a LONG TERM project and will take several months after all the work is done to see the final results.

Creating Backlinks:
This is the most important thing you should do to improve your site.

One quick example i read about, was similar to the idea i wrote about earlier, where you create 2 Yahoo accounts, then in Yahoo Answers, you ask a question with 1 account then answer it with the second. In the answer you paste a link to your site. Then back to the first account where you rate that answer as the best. This creates a backlink to your site that Google rates highly.

The new method i read about is to add a link to your site in Wikipedia. Or create a Wikipedia page describing something and include a link to your site. Here's an example of a Wikipedia page i quickly wrote to with links at the bottom to my Welding Glass ND Filter and ND Filter at Lake Erie. I quickly realized that this would take a very long time so i gave up on it.

The real thing i wanted to do was to Automate the entire process of making backlinks. I kept reading about a program called ScrabeBox. At first i used it to Auto Comment on 300,000 blogs. I just had to enter a name, email, URL and various comments and ScrapeBox would automatically post 1 comment to each blog.

But the more i read, the more i learned that Google is more focused on Quality Backlinks. Thousands of backlinks are still good, but having just a few backlinks from quality sites is just as good. So i used ScrapeBox again, but this time i sorted the list based on specific keywords and page ranks.

For example, lets say i wanted to create backlinks to my page about IQ Light. I would type in IQ Light into the keyword, scrape for thousands of pages related to that word. Then sort by page rank and keep just the best. Then sort out just the pages with low outbound links. (the fewer the number of outbound links a page has, the better my link will look)

I would have a list of 10-20 blogs that i could manually go to and type in a specific comment and link to my blog. This way i would have a better chance of the comment getting approved by the blog owner.

Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Also even if it did work didn't mean that i would get any more page views, just that i had 1 more backlink to my site, which would raise my ranking.

But every once in a while the backlink made a huge difference. One day i commented on a site called Mother Nature Network (MNN). It was just something like "ya i have bamboo in my backyard in michigan, check out some of the pictures" and added a link to one of my pages about bamboo. Because of that one link i've since had over 1000 links in just the past 3 weeks. Look at the first link under Posts: and the first and third link under Traffic Sources:.
blogger backlink stats, blogspot, posts, graph, results, revenue, adsense

It just goes to show that the more backlinks you have, the more traffic you will get and the better your page rank. And as opposed to many of the steps i'm doing, this one had an immediate result from something i did. So this is definitely something i need to continue doing. The only problem is that once again, i have 280 pages and it's going to take some time.

Social Bookmarks:
I started manually posting to just 3 sites: Digg, StumbleUpon and Del.ic.ious. It was a slow process of copying and pasting the title, URL, keyword and description. But when i checked my Blogger Stats i was surprised how many people viewed my page through those links. I just needed a faster way to submit all of my 280 pages.

Then i found socialposter.com where you only had to enter the information once. It was still fairly slow because you still had to visit and submit to each site.

Then i discovered Onlywire.com. This was what i was really looking for. First you sign up for 30-40 sites like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+ and OnlyWire saves all of your information. Then you type in the information for the page you want to submit, click publish and OnlyWire will automatically post to all 40 sites.

The only problem with it is that with the free version, you are limited to 300 post per month. 300 may seem like a lot but it's really only about 8 submissions. Seeing as i have 280 blog posts it will take me around 24 month to submit all of my pages. So i am also using other similar pages to auto-post.

Then i read more about Click Thru Rate (CTR). This is the percentage of how many people open up a page with ads vs the number of times the ads are clicked. After 8,660 views of my pages with ads, only 29 people had clicked on them, giving me a CTR of just 0.33%. Which means that for every 1000 people that view my ads i only make $1.93.

In order to increase the CTR i needed to rearrange my page layout. I found that most people view web pages like this:
website heatmap, eyes, user, look, adsense, placement, revenue

This is called a Heatmap. It shows where peoples eyes look most. Notice the ads on the right side of the page do not get any attention. Partially because most countries read left to right and partially because we are now trained to ignore ads.

So i decided to change my layout from this (having the large ad on the top right):
blogger adsense revenue, ad placement, optimize, location, make more money, custom adsense placement

Hopefully by changing the layout i would get a higher CTR. I'll be checking the % over the next month.

Backlinks from Directories:
Submitting page to Directories, which are sites that don't go out and crawl for web pages, like Google, but rather people submit their pages to them.

This can be done manually by searching for Directory's, clicking on "Submit URL" and typing in all the information it asks for like Name, URL, Email...The whole process took around 5 minutes per site.

So i like with the Social Bookmarks found a program to try and speed up the process. It saved the information and allowed you to import a list of directory pages. You would view the page, it would automatically input your information and submit. However this too started to become very tedious.

Then i discovered Free Directory Submitter, this program that will automate the process even better. You enter your information the same as in Directory Submitter, but it goes a step further by allowing multiple Title and Descriptions. That is great because Google will notice if suddenly 200 links are created overnight with the exact same text. Then when the process is started, it finds the pages, enters the info at random and then all you have to do is enter the Captcha text. Instead of taking 5 minutes per page this drops it down to around 3-10 seconds.

There are lots and lots of programs, websites, forums, directories and articles that you can use to achieve your goal. I can't remember everything i have used and all the steps i have read about. But for me the most important thing was to use these tool to try and speed up the processes.

I'm still far from being an expert in anything, but by doing some of these basic steps i have made a huge improvement in my Blogger Stats. As you can see from the large increase in my last 2 months. I've gone from averaging 100 views per month, to 1000 views per month, to as of right now 6,000 views per month.
blogger, blogspot, post, overview, stats, all time, results, monitor, how to use stats page

From the very beginning of this process i always read that this is a long term process, don't expect immediate results. I hope it increases even more in the future.

How To Choose Impaired Driving Lawyers

When you or your loved one has been arrested, the only thing you would want is to get out of jail as soon as possible. Criminal charges can have adverse impact on your life and the only way to minimize the damage is to hire a reputed Toronto criminal lawyer to defend your case. The attorney you hire can make a great difference. You can either end up with imprisonment or walk away free. Therefore, you need to choose your lawyer very wisely. You could ask for referrals from family and friends or if you know of any law firm, you can contact them immediately for legal help.

What Services Do Criminal Lawyers Offer?

Criminal lawyers basically represent you in defending criminal charges made against you. Some of the services that a somekeyword can offer include defence against drug offences, drinking and driving charges, theft and fraud charges of all kinds, firearms and weapons offences, regulatory offences, Quasi criminal proceedings at boards and tribunals. Highly experienced lawyers offer first thirty minutes of consultation at absolutely free of cost, on most occasions they offer services at reduced rates.

Where to Find the Best Lawyers?

Choosing a somekeyword may not be all that easy as thousands of them are found practicing law in different areas of defence. Your first priority should be to hunt for an attorney or a law firm with solid reputation. Lawyers with the best and biggest advertisements need not necessarily be the best. Be bold enough to shop around, you dont have to hire the first one you meet. Many lawyers offer free consultation, so take advantage of it and consult a couple of good lawyers. You could also look up the law society of Upper Canada, criminal lawyers and Toronto lawyers association directories, you are sure to find some of the best lawyers listed on these sites.

Tips for Choosing Lawyers

If you are careful enough to follow a few tips, then you will be successful in finding the right lawyer. Choose a lawyer who is an expert in the area of defence that you need. Check which legal organizations your chosen criminal defence lawyer belongs to. If it is a legal firm you are approaching, then make sure to find who exactly will be fighting your case. He/she should have made several appearances in the court of your jurisdiction where your case will be heard. It pays to be represented by a lawyer who commands great respect from the court. Choose an advocate who is aggressive but very honest.


Hiring A Bench Warrant Attorney To Clear Your Name

You can end up with a bench warrant for a number of reasons if you do not show up in court. It might be that you just forgot the date, or perhaps you ran because you were fearful. Whatever the case, you are now in trouble if you have one of these warrants. You cannot continue to run from it because it will come up in background checks and when you try to get an apartment. The wise thing to do is to hire a bench warrant attorney to help clear your name.

If you avoided going to court for a misdemeanor, you are still in trouble, and unfortunately you are now in more trouble than you likely would have been had you shown up in court. If you feel trapped then you will want to hire a bench warrant attorney who is affordable, experienced, and who knows how to deal with people, and you need this right away.

If you have not been able to get or keep a job because of this problem then you might be a little low on cash. This being the case, you will want to find a lawyer who understands and is affordable. Look for one who might even offer financing options to help you pay off court costs.

Experience is also important. A bench warrant attorney likely deals with a variety of criminals who try to skip out on court. Whether you committed a high-profile crime or a misdemeanor, you will want a law professional who knows what he or she is doing and knows how to take care of this problem. You may in the end still need to pay for any crimes you have committed, but at least this aspect of your background can be cleared.

It is also important to hire a professional that is good with all types of people. He or she should be able to deal with you without being offensive not matter what your personality is, and should be able to deal with those in the courts to help you be cleared.

All law professionals are not equal. It might take a couple of tries before finding one with whom you feel comfortable sharing your situation. If you are in this situation, it is important to find the right law professional quickly so that you can be free once again to be on your own without the worry of being caught. Now you will have a law professional to help you to know what steps to take.

Finding An Attorney To Help You Get The Money You

Finding An Attorney To Help You Get The Money You Deserve

People say to make lemonade when life hands you lemons. Sometimes it is impossible to do this when the accident or other problem lands you flat on your back without financial help. In some of these cases, there is someone besides you that is responsible. In these cases, it is important to find an attorney who can get you the money you need and deserve.

There are several things to look for in a law professional. Obviously the most important area is that they have the ability to get your money. This ability involves a few areas. They should be good with people, have experience with cases involving accidents or malpractice, and they should be affordable.

An attorney should definitely have customer service or people skills. It is sad that many professionals in various fields have no ability in this area. In fact, you might find that some have a disability in it. As you look for the right one to help you, try to find one, that looks you in the eye, is relaxed and confident discussing your situation, and is positive in the way they speak.

Experience in cases specific to your situation is also important. Attorneys may have experience with cases in general whether criminal or otherwise, but they could be lacking in this specific area. You would be wise to hire an accident attorney for your case because they will be the most able to help.

It is also important to find someone that is affordable. Part of the affordability of an accident attorney is the fact that they should not charge you a dime unless they get you your money. Even before this though, you should know the amount you will owe. It would be useless to get a large amount of money and end up losing a large amount of that to your lawyer. Make sure to do price comparisons while considering the important traits of attorneys.

When you are flat on your back with no where to turn, call a friend to come and help you find a law professional, or go on the internet in search for one on your own. Do not put this off thinking it will do no good. People get paid for accidents and malpractice all the time. Make sure your case is a legitimate one, and find the right attorney to help you to get the money you deserve and the help you need to add some normalcy to your life.

Felony Case Or Simple Misdemeanor - There's A Need For

Felony Case Or Simple Misdemeanor - There's A Need For A Defense Lawyer

What exactly is the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor? Both are criminal offenses and they differ in the gravity and in the penalty. Misdemeanor is a less grave offense although a convicted person can suffer so many consequences when found guilty. Thus, when facing even a misdemeanor case, be sure to have a defense lawyer at your side. Much more would you need one when your legal violation falls under felony.

Defending yourself alone can cause so much damage - you are not adept with the law; thus you can compromise your situation. You might wonder how it is to appear in court and this will cause you to ponder whether there is really a need to hire your counsel. Penalties and consequences if you are convicted of either a felony or misdemeanor case can have a drastic impact on you and your family. So - once you face a case like either of these, never hesitate to go to a criminal defense attorney.

Felony is more serious crime and the penalty can range from death penalty to imprisonment of more than one year. Misdemeanor on the other hand is punishable by no more than one year imprisonment. This is, of course, aside from the financial obligation that may be imposed on you by the court. So in either case, you really need an adequate legal defense.

Many criminal lawyers had their training in legal aspects, many things which could not be comprehended by any individual layman. They have gone through many readings and lessons, personal experiences so much so that the criminal lawyer can always establish your defense - maybe if not acquitted, at least less gravity of offense. The fact that your case can be lowered to misdemeanor from felony is already a good indication of the worth of your lawyer.

There are many types of felonies that can be charged against you. Among these are illegal drug use, sex offense like rape, arson, burglary or even simple DUI can sometimes be elevated into a felony case. The consequences to these charges can bring adverse effects on the character of the accused - there are times when the maximum penalty of death is given.

So when it comes to being accused of even the offense of misdemeanor, a criminal lawyer must be consulted. These legal experts can give you the best legal advice and can adequately represent you in court. What happens during the trial may be aggravated without one in your defense. Do not take the risk of being convicted.

Family Lawyer In Tampa Just What Your Family Needs

The law on family is a broad subject that deals with the integral part of the society which is the family. To become a family attorney one must be able to grasp fully the several areas that are encompassed by the said law. They must also have a certain degree of humanity to be able to fully accomplish the task despite the level of emotions involved. While others see these lawyers value during unfortunate family events, there is a need to understand that they do more than just that.

Advices Even Before Everything Starts

Family attorney in Tampa, Florida should be consulted even before the marriage is celebrated. Would be husband and wife may want to discuss the legal repercussions that their marriage may have in relation to the properties they may have acquired when they were still single like perhaps drafting a marriage settlement otherwise known as prenuptial agreement. Also, most couples may want to discuss unfortunate eventualities in advance as a mode of precaution for matters like divorce. These are but some of the ways to make matters easier if and when the marriage ends. The couples are as well given the peace of mind knowing that whatever happens to the marriage and their relationship, they are both fully protected.

Provides Solutions to Family Matters

The importance of a family lawyer resides in the fact that peoples every now and then needs the help of one. Our everyday lives are filled with many concerns that only lawyers can provide. They can render assistance with regard to changes and updating of records after marriage is celebrated. Of course, you would want to include your new spouse among your beneficiaries while you would also enlist the help of your lawyer to change your family name if such is needed. A family law attorney Tampa can also help and represent you with regard to issues on domestic violence, child custody, visitation rights, and even adoption among other things.

Able Help for Any Eventualities

With the happy phase of married life comes the harsh reality of unfortunate events. Lawyers in Tampa, Florida can help couples go through divorce which is probably one of the more conflicting issues in family law. They help you get through mediation and deal with their emotions so that they are able to come up with logical and fair dealings even up to the very end of the marriage. Attached to this is the subject on child support and custody. These matters are best left to the discretion of the court after they have been taken up by the lawyers. The best possible terms re negotiated for the children so that even if their parents marriage crumbles, they are still fully supported materially or otherwise.

Dui Attorney Pittsburgh Importance Of Hiring One

Getting pulled over for drunken driving case after happy hour is one of the most difficult things to handle. These kinds of things can really make you feel stressed and worn out. However, you can really get out of all the troubles by finding the best DUI Attorney Pittsburgh. He is an individual who is going to defend you at your preliminary hearing in court and question the police authorities in order to make sure there is adequate amount of evidence for a criminal case against you. Here, we are going to talk particularly about DUI Lawyer Pittsburgh.

There are several reasons why you should opt for a professional DUI attorney Pittsburgh. Make sure you appoint one in the best possible way. Let us now discuss some of the reasons for the same.

The first reason why you need to appoint an attorney is that the police have an unfair advantage in the case as they know everything about the law. Such an individual will help you know the Pittsburgh law better. However, an important thing that you need to make sure is that your lawyer is experienced enough to handle all types of crucial matters regarding your case.

The second thing that a DUI attorney will do is to review your case properly and check out all the things that are necessary for you. He needs to prepare a list of all the evidences that can work in your favor.

An efficient DUI Lawyer Pittsburgh should tell you his exact fees. This is your right to know the exact fees. Make sure that there are no hidden costs whatsoever.

We all know that DUI conviction can prove to be very expensive and this is where a DUI attorney comes in handy. He really helps you in reducing the cost of your case. Basically, he is going to make sure that you dont lose too much of your money during the proceedings of the case.

A professional attorney stands by you all the time no matter what it takes. He will be available for you 24*7.

Well, a professional and reputed attorney offers you free consultation services. You can easily visit his/her website and avail free consultation services online. If you want you can even visit his office for the same.

These are a few reasons why the attorneys were extremely important. If you are held in such a criminal case then you need to appoint a professional lawyer as soon as possible.

Dui Attorney Nashville Can Be Particularly Useful

With the recent meltdown and economic crisis, cases of failure to Nashville have been increasing at an unusual rate. To this extent, Nashville government has grown up to be an increasing monetary responsibility for the people for citizens in the nation. This has hugely integrated from the rising monetary ratio, while the presentation connection has been reducing making it difficult for such persons to earn a business and can also ensure take of their loans, compensation and other mortgage cases. Subsequently, many people are suffering from this financial problem in the east. Those willing to apply for bankruptcy, to saving the economic burden, having the appropriate dui attorney Nashville are supremely useful. There are several dui attorney Nashville who deal with various Nashville bankruptcy cases.

Dui attorney Nashville is experts who have knowledge about business and will help you in resolving your entrepreneurship problems. Dui lawyers Nashville is accountants who serve the general public to perform their mission, more while ensuring that honest opportunities do not make them. Such lawyers will also be by your stand in case failure is unvoiced and assist you to make appropriate decisions. Having the proper dui lawyer Nashville; therefore, it is indeed crucial to ensure that you are capable to overcome the biggest out of such situations. With so many dui attorney Nashville, the solution is entirely on the customer to choose her or his performance on the basis of knowledge.

Expertise- All dui lawyers Nashville are not the same. Some have had many years of experience dealing with exceptional cases while other is different students in these unchangeable facts. The Utah bankruptcy lawyers should have enough information to ensure that people are in a beneficial role, in many cases. Expert Nashville lawyers are accustomed to failure in Nashville since they have been knowledgeable to such cases before.

It is always preferable to take a dui lawyer Nashville with whom you can handle easily. The lawyer should be smart enough with whom you can show your financial conditions and your savings rate. In case, that you dont need the lawyer, you should not be allowed to speak about your incident issues to such attorneys.

While it is appropriate for a person to recruit a Nashville lawyer who stays in your residence, person should not think about the social area or information of the attorney when choosing your dui attorney Nashville. Just ensure you get the appropriate attorney in all factors.

Having a recommendation from a friend or a relative is critical since you do not wish to talk about your constant guidance to teams of people. To manage your money appeal, you can benefit from the works of a person who used to be an attorney as your submission to notify the right dui attorney Nashville.

The bankruptcy case cat command will cause the dui lawyers Nashville to choose. You will need a more experienced attorney, if your assumption is facing disturbance in Nashville are on a fantastic shape and have an immense advantage as compared to those with huge enterprises. Such an attorney, that you choose should be thoroughly educated in order to serve you in your petition.

Dui Attorney Los Angeles. Dui Attorney Advice From Dui Attorney

Dui Attorney Los Angeles. Dui Attorney Advice From Dui Attorney Los Angeles And Dui Lawyer Los Angel

DUI Attorney advice from DUI Attorney Los Angeles and DUI Lawyer Los Angeles:

If you're trying to choose a DUI Attorney, here are three things you should look for in your DUI Attorney search.

1) Communication between you and your DUI Attorney. Communication is vital in choosing any Attorney in your defense and especially a DUI Attorney. Good communication about your DUI and what you have in your defense is important to your DUI case and the good performance of your DUI Attorney. Also a DUI Attorney should be able to communicate to you the law surrounding driving and DUI police and law charges. You should be able to ask your DUI Attorney what your DUI Attorney thinks about the outcome of your defense case and what parts of the law are against your case or in favor of your case. Make sure you can communicate comfortably with your DUI Attorney. If you feel that you can't talk with your DUI Attorney, then maybe you should continue your search for a DUI Attorney that will be best for your case and defense. Los Angeles, California is a good place to start in searching for a DUI Attorney since these DUI Attorney office, police, court rooms, and law enforcers have more experience with DUI defense than many other places.

2) This brings us to the second part of searching for a DUI Attorney for your defense case, licensed by law DUI attorney. There is an association that licenses every attorney and lawyer to certify that the attorney and/or lawyer, including a DUI attorney, are trained and capable of upholding the law and providing a good defense or offense in the court room. A DUI Attorney has to agree to follow the education and continued education required by county law to continue to practice the DUI Attorney profession. Every county may differ a little in their license requirements.

3) See what your community is saying about this DUI Attorney. Read reviews online about the county court you go to and the DUI attorney you are considering. Sometimes it's better to look at third-party comments about a certain DUI Attorney. There is a chance that a negative review would be from a DUI Attorney client's unrealistic expectations, but if there are more negative DUI Attorney reviews then you know to steer clear of that DUI attorney. Also, you will be able to see that if there are several negative comments what to expect in another DUI attorney.

Los Angeles DUI Attorney is a location where the law is enforced and the DUI attorney can help you. With these three points above in searching for a DUI attorney, hopefully you can make a good decision on a DUI attorney near you. Also know that finding a local DUI attorney can give you more advantage in your DUI defense case because a local DUI attorney will be familiar with the local police as well as the local court and local law. A local attorney can also provide other local resources for your DUI defense case. If Los Angeles, California is local for you the DUI attorney Los Angeles is the perfect match for your DUI defense case!

Debt Relief Attorney Modesto Will Solve The Problem

Once the client reaches the condition of bankruptcy the creditors will start harassing him in all possible ways. They will frighten him also. But there is no use by dong so as the client will not have any money to pay them back. This bankruptcy may be due to recession, robbery, accident or any other genuine reasons. But the creditors will turn a deaf ear to the client. It is better to hire an experienced and reputed debt relief attorney Modesto. The client will be sure of paying back the loan when he would have taken it. But there will be many mis-happenings which will make the financial position of the client very weak. He would not be able to give back the loans.

Once the creditors will know the condition of the client they will try to call the client and will harass him. The attorney should stand by the side of eh client and find him away out from the creditors. The creditors will use all the possible ways to scare the client .But the client should be brave enough to face the situation. Some of them would not have faced such conditions before and they will fall ill and loose their physical health. The attorney will stop all the possible creditors coming near the house immediately after the case if filed. The phone calls fro them also will be stopped. The client has to give his creditors the phone number of the lawyer and this will stop all of them as the lawyer will further look after the problem.

If there are no assets in the clients name then the loans will be waived and there is not much problem at all. But if the client has any assets then you have to face a little bit of problem as these properties will be used to settle the debts. The debts will have to be paid slowly using the assets and any vehicles which is in the name of the client. The client has to give up many of his assets to settle the loan. It takes time to reshape the finance of the client.

Contract Time Limits And Bailment

I am not an attorney, I am a judgment matchmaking specialist (Judgment Broker). This article is my opinion, based on my experience in California, and laws are different in every state. Nothing in any of my articles can ever be considered legal advice. If you ever require legal advice or a strategy to use, you should contact a lawyer.

Bailment means to loan something to someone without transferring ownership. In the context of civil court judgments, bailment means to recover a judgment without either having complete ownership of all rights, title, and interest in the judgment, or being a lawyer.

Few subjects are more controversial and hotly debated by judgment enforcement professionals than the topic of bailment. Judgment recovery specialists that are not attorneys or collection agencies cannot represent anyone, so they need to have judgments assigned to them, so they can "step into the shoes" of the Original Judgment Creditor (OJC).

After the judgment is assigned to them with a notarized document, and that document is endorsed and filed by the court, the judgment enforcer owns the judgment, and all rights to recover the judgment.

When the OJC sells their judgment outright at a very steep discount, the judgment enforcer owns all legal and financial rights to the judgment. If the judgment is bought on a future-pay basis, the enforcer has a fiduciary responsibility to the OJC if and when any funds are recovered beyond their court-related expenses to enforce the money.

A court case that covers the fiduciary responsibility of future-pay purchases of judgments assigned to enforcers is Cross v. Bonded Adjustment Bureau, 48 Cal. Appeals 4th 266; 55 California Reporter. 2d 801, July 9, 1996.

The simplest example of potential bailment in the judgment business is a time limit in a purchase agreement, for example "buyer will return judgment to OJC in 1 year". While this may not be a problem in most states, more than one court judge has decided that putting time limit clauses in judgment purchase contracts is bailment.

Charges of bailment may subject the enforcer to charges of abuse of process and Unlicensed Practice of Law (UPL). Unfortunately, sometimes, the law is often what a black robe judge decides it is.

In most states, time limits in judgment contacts are working just fine, and many judgment enforcers put time limits in their contacts. Many OJCs are uncomfortable assigning their judgment, and time limits help many OJCs feel more comfortable.

However, there is case law (in California, Cohn v. Thompson) that says purchase agreements should be for "all rights, title and interest" in the judgment. The case also says time limits for recovery in the purchase agreement constitutes a temporary agreement, and are tantamount to an agency relationship (creating a bailment).

In some states, for example, Arizona or Virginia, one should never purchase a judgment on a future-pay basis unless they first consult with a lawyer, or form a collection agency, etc.

Most judgment enforcers will gladly return difficult or impossible judgments back to the OJC, but very few put this policy in writing. The return of judgments should be at the policy and discretion of the recovery specialist, and not a contractual obligation.

In some states, courts view return clauses as bailment and judgment "rentals". At least one time, the "perpetrator" was sentenced to a long prison term because of UPL-related charges. Note that UPL is is a crime, not a civil matter, and a UPL charge usually begins with a judge recommending that a district attorney make a criminal charge. The best judgment purchase agreements identify the irrevocability of the assignment. The best enforcers (who are not attorneys) do not allow the OJC sellers have any control over their actions. In some states, a revocable, temporary, or conditional assignment constitutes UPL and bailment.

Changing Lanes Carelessly A Major Cause Of Vehicle Accidents

The side-view mirrors on motorcycle and motor vehicles have the same printed words: Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear. However, what many drivers seem to forget is that the side-view mirrors are not representative of all driving activity occurring on either side of a drivers vehicle. In fact, many car accidents occur as a result of careless lane changes that do not account for other drivers. These are some of the most common ways to cause accidents that could be avoided if you took more precautions:

1. Careless Lane Changes Often times, drivers think that they only need to put their blinker on and check their rear view mirror before making a lane change. However, this is not true. Accidents are not always caused by flying vehicles, set on fire, as they are portrayed in fast-pace Hollywood blockbusters. Rather, millions of car accidents are caused each year by careless mistakes; one of them being careless lane changes. If drivers took the extra few seconds to check over their shoulders to affirm that there is no car or other vehicle in their blind spot, then many accidents, and serious injuries, could be prevented. On the other hand, all drivers should be alert and responsive to their surroundings. In order to avoid being involved in an accident due to a drivers carelessness, make sure to keep your distance between the car ahead of you and the car behind you. Furthermore, make sure not to be driving exactly parallel to the vehicle in the next lane over. By just abiding by these tips can significantly decrease your chance of involvement in an auto collision.

2.Speeding In a similar light, drivers are often involved in preventable auto accidents due to speeding and reckless driving behavior. The vast majority of accidents involve individuals who were distracted or negligent. In order to avoid being involved in an unnecessary accident, make sure to abide by the state and federal set speeding regulations. Cars will frequently weave in and out of traffic and other vehicles if they are in a rush, or simply because they are impatient with the rate that the traffic flow is going. However, with a record number of cars in California, cars coming on and off the freeways simultaneously can be caught by surprise by a speeding vehicle resulting in an accident. Therefore, make sure to practice safe driving habits and keeping your eyes on the road at all times.
These two tips can help you to avoid a possible accident or even a potential lawsuit.

Best Lawyers In History

Lawyers often get a bad rap for a variety of reasons and the public generally views them as amoral but necessary nuisances. And while some lawyers very easily fit this description (see Devil's Advocate: History's Most Controversial Lawyers), it would be a grave mistake to lump all attorney's into this unfortunate stereotype. After all, a court of law was amongst the first societal innovations to accompany the rise of civilization, and in the same way that there are two sides to every story - there are two lawyers in every trial.

So in an effort to pay tribute to some our great unsung courtroom cowboys, we've listed the greatest lawyers in history.

Abraham Lincoln
Though Abraham Lincoln is most known for his battle to end slavery as the 16th President of the United States, many are unaware of his earlier career battling in the court of law.

Born in Kentucky to a family of uneducated farmers, Lincoln left his humble upbringings to travel to New Salem, Illinois where he worked a variety of odd jobs all while teaching himself the inner-workings of law. When he was finally granted the right to practice as an attorney, he got to work immediately and quickly became one of Illinois' most formidable lawyers. During his tenure as a lawyer, he tackled any kind of case imaginable- including trials for medical malpractice, corporate misconduct, murder, slander, fraud and many more.

In retrospect, it's easy to see how Lincoln's 20+ year long career as an attorney helped shape him into the masterful politician he would later become by sharpening his debate skills and keeping him in touch with the issues that matter to the public. And considering the fact that he went on to become one of the nation's greatest Presidents should stand as evidence that being a lawyer doesn't necessarily make you a lowlife- it just predisposes you to being a lowlife, which makes it all the more impressive that Lincoln turned out so cool.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
The fact that this guy is credited for having liberated India from tyranny, influenced a sweeping world-wide trend towards civil rights and became the de facto spiritual leader for a generation might make it surprising to know that he was also a gifted attorney. But such was the man, the myth, the legend of Gandhi.

Gandhi's career as a lawyer began in London during the late 1800's where he received his degree in law. He later moved to South Africa to pursue a career in law, but upon arrival he was faced with extreme racial prejudice against him and other Indians. After being beaten and discriminated against, he became involved in civil rights cases defending other Indian immigrants. A crucial moment in his life as a lawyer came after he refused to remove his turban during a court trial - an event that inspired his move towards activism and non-violent civil protest.

After being imprisoned in South Africa for his activism, Gandhi returned to India where he led the fight against the tyrannical British Empire, eventually resulting in India's independence.

Though Gandhi's career in law was ultimately overshadowed by his spiritual and political guidance, his history as a lawyer is still enough for him to qualify for this list - as if he needed another excuse to go down in history.

Thurgood Marshall
Even more than Martin Luther King or Malcolm X, the rise of the civil rights movement and eradication of discriminatory laws against African-Americans can be attributed to the work of Thurgood Marshall. Whereas Martin Luther King and others led the battles in the streets, Thurgood Marshall led the battles in the court and has easily become one of America's most historic lawyers.

After receiving his law degree from Howard University in 1933, Marshall set up a practice in Baltimore where he began taking on major civil rights cases and quickly became one of the country's most prominent lawyers, winning his first Supreme Court case at the age of 32.

His most famous case came in 1954 with the now historic Brown v. Board of Education trial which overturned the infamous "separate but equal" laws that had been enforced since the abolition of slavery in the 1800's.

In total, Marshall won 29 of the 32 cases he argued before the Supreme Court and later went on to become the first African-American to serve as a Supreme Court Justice- a position he held for nearly 25 years. Ultimately, Thurgood Marshall's successes in law represents one of the brightest times in the judicial system's history and provided proof to the efficacy of the American court of law.

Alan Dershowitz
Alan Dershowitz is one of the most famous lawyers in the world and he has won numerous distinctions for his work in civil rights. Newsweek has called him "[one of] the most distinguished defenders of individual rights," and Time describes him as being "a sort of judicial St Jude," all of which combine to make him one of the greatest lawyers in history and the only attorney on this list still practicing.
Dershowitz graduated from Yale Law School first in his class in 1962 where he was editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal. He then went on to join the faculty of Harvard Law where he became the youngest full professor of law in Harvard's history at the age of 28.

During his time as an attorney, he practiced a great deal of criminal law and was involved in several of the country's most high-profile court cases, including the trials of Patricia Hearst, Leona Helmsley, Mike Tyson and OJ Simpson. He has since become one of Israel's most outspoken defenders and is a recipient of the William O Douglas First Amendment Award from the Anti-Defamation League for his work on civil rights.

Though Derschowitz has also been the source of much controversy, his battle for civil rights and his prodigal understanding of law will undoubtedly go down as his greatest legacy, which is why Alan Dershowitz tops off this list of history's greatest lawyers.

A Dui May Not Mean Losing Your Driving Job

If you have a job that requires you to utilize a company vehicle or that requires you to be able to drive to the homes of your clients in order to provide services, getting charged with driving under the influence can be a major disaster. Even if you do not have to serve time in jail, you are certainly facing the loss of your driving privileges. While this is hard for anyone, those who depend on their driving abilities to perform their jobs definitely take a major setback. What you might not know, however, is that some states have provisions for people who need to drive for occupational purposes that may enable you to get back behind the wheel for your job. If your state has such a provision, hiring a competent DUI lawyer will definitely be the best move that you ever made.

A DUI license suspension is serious business, and if you get caught driving without a valid license, you could face not only big fines and a longer suspension period, but even jail time. A DUI attorney who is experienced and who knows the law can let you know what steps are necessary to qualify for an occupational license and can work hard to show the judge why offering you the ability to get such a license is critical to your employment.

In most states that have provisions for occupational driving licenses, you will still have to spend a period of time where you are unable to drive. For major offenses, you may have to serve your entire suspension before you are allowed to operate a vehicle for work purposes. Many first time offenders may find themselves able to drive a vehicle for work in as little as sixty days. It may not be perfect, but when you are facing the possibility of never driving again or of losing your license for a significant amount of time, this can be critical. Driving under the influence is a very severe charge, and you need a lawyer who can plead your case in the most effective manner possible.

With a great DUI attorney at your side, you may have a better shot at getting a shorter or even no license suspension. It is definitely worth your time to look into your state's DUI laws or to consult with a qualified DUI lawyer. Hiring a legal expert who specializes in DUI charges is always your best bet, and if you are looking to preserve your freedom and your ability to drive, it may offer you the only chance you have to restore or recover your driving privileges.

Social Media- An Excellent Platform For Enhancing Awareness About Laws!

Social Media- An Excellent Platform For Enhancing Awareness About Laws!

By engaging in law firm social media practices, attorneys have been among the last groups to board the social media bandwagon. Naturally, how to measure the effectiveness of their law firm social media outreach efforts, many ask about. Social media law blog programs should be looked upon as having a cumulative effect, like advertising and public relations. In other words, include public relations traditional media relations and, where appropriate, advertising, your law firm social media efforts should be part of an arsenal of business-building techniques.

In undertaking a law firm social media program, what yardsticks should you use? Some of them are-

- Reach. It is necessary to find out and analyze, how many people or prospects you are able to reach? You can easily see people posting comments to your blog, if blogging is part of your law firm social media activities, and, perhaps, as to reach (remember not everybody is going to read everything, which is why this is a rough estimate), tweeting it out A quick check to their followers should give you a rough idea.

- Clicks. Albeit primitive in nature, most blog-hosting sites will have some form of analytics. Again, as to how many people are clicking onto your blog, youll get a rough estimate, which might be investigative of the significance of the content aspect of your law firm social media program.

- Ask questions. Ask where he or she learned about you, should you be contacted by a prospect. You might have some insights into how effective your law firm social media campaign has been, if the answer comes that it was through a blog or some other social media vehicle. Of course, would securing one client indicate the worthiness of your efforts, this isnt exactly scientific?

Remember, they wont necessarily come, even if you build it. Your law firm social media endeavors, you have to actively promote. Requiring dedication to an ongoing effort, you cant stop at a few blogs or stray tweets law firm social media marketing programs. One must post on a frequent basis. On other blogs you find interesting, comment. You can also tweet and re-tweet comments and enhance presence. Generating the kind of results you are looking for in time, this is a cumulative effort.

The internet has easier than ever to find the best law firms. To small business owners and individuals who, in the past, had to hope that they knew someone who knew a good attorney or hoped the local ABA would recommend one, access to reviews of attorneys, their specialties, fee structures, and some of their clients has been a relief. To balance the playing field for those with the fewest inroads in the legal industry, law firm social media was almost designed.

Pros And Cons Of A Life Estate

One way to divide property is by setting up a life estate. Say, for example, you want to leave your home to one person, but when that person dies, you want the home to pass to another person, instead of to someone your initial beneficiary chooses. The premise behind a life estate, a tool commonly used where real estate is concerned, is that the initial beneficiary (who is sometimes referred to as the life tenant) is granted the use of the property for the remainder of their life. Once that person passes away, the property passes to the remainder beneficiary.

Here is one example: You are divorced and remarried. You decide to give your new wife a life estate in your home. When she passes away, the home passes to your children from your previous marriage. That way your wife has a place to live, and your children eventually inherit the home.

As you can tell, life estates are one way to divide the interest in your assets but a life estate can create problems as well.

Lets use real estate as an example. What happens if:

The house needs repairs or major maintenance who pays? If the life tenant is responsible but cant afford the bill, then what happens?
What if the life tenant wants to sell the property? Will the Trust use the proceeds of the sale to purchase a new home, and will that home pass to the remainder beneficiary?
What if the life tenant has to move into assisted living or into a nursing home?

As you can tell, life estates must be carefully crafted to ensure a variety of considerations are taken into account. And no matter how hard you try, a life estate can cause tension between beneficiaries, since both parties have an interest in the property or asset and both parties may disagree on the use of or care of that asset.

If you are thinking about dividing interest in an asset, give us a call. We can help you decide the best way to make sure your intentions are carried out.

Hire A Construction Accident Lawyer Right Away

As exciting as being a construction worker is, it is also a very dangerous job to have. In fact, many sites are very dangerous for pedestrians to even be near. Since there is so much danger that comes with being even remotely tied to a construction site, you need to know what you should do if you ever become injured because of it. Each year there are thousands of injuries that occur on these types of sites. A large portion of those incidents could have been prevented. Since many occurrences result in serious injury or even death, the only real recourse the victims have is to take the responsible parties to court. If you think you are going to be able to take on all of the responsible parties on your own, think again. You are going to need a construction accident lawyer to help you win this battle.

With liability cases and injury cases of this magnitude, there are numerous parties that are involved. Believe it or not, there are usually several responsible parties that you will need to make a claim against. The more involved parties there are the more challenging your case is going to be. This is not the time for you to try your hand at being an attorney. You need to hire a construction accident lawyer so they can make sure that all parties that are liable for your condition are held accountable.

Don't assume that if you are eligible for workers compensation than that is all the compensation you are going to need. Hospital and medical bills are very expensive, and you may end up not being emotionally or physically able to continue working in this field. If you can't work in your trade, then how are you going to provide for your family? You are going to need a highly skilled construction accident lawyer to get enough compensation to cover all of your expenses, including those regarding future earnings, disability, pain and suffering, and more.

Don't assume that since you were injured on the job, that you are only going up against your employer. Your case may be much more complex than that. When it comes to the manufacturing industry, there are often multiple parties involved. Many of them you may not even be aware of until a good construction accident lawyer has started your case. Allow your attorney to do all of the work that is going to be involved in getting you justice. Let them do what is necessary to get those parties to admit they are at fault and that your situation is the result of their negligence.

Common Liabilities Determined By Aviation Accident Lawyers

Generally, airplanes are considered a safe means of transportation in Los Angeles, but when accidents occur, they often end with fatal results. Relatively, aviation accidents involving large aircrafts such as commercial airline jets seldom happen compared to the number of accidents involving smaller, private aircraft, which are more frequent than most people realize because most of these airline incidents are unreported.

According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) air travel is expected to double over the next 20 years. As air traffic increases, the risk of an aviation accident also rises.

Aviation accident law covers both major air carrier and general aviation accidents. General aviation includes all non-commercial aircraft including small plans, large business jets, charter flights, pleasure crafts, helicopters, and hang gliders.

Types of Aviation Accidents

Airplane accidents include not only crashes, but also incidents on planes that cause injuries, such as falling baggage, assaults, and other related incidents.

The types of accidents that can cause injury to passengers and crew include:

Crashes and collisions
Accidents occurring on the runway and during transport to and from planes
Accidents due to air traffic control error and miscommunication
Shifting baggage during flight or on the runway falling on people
Pilot negligence
Mechanical failure

Liability in Aviation Accidents

Determining who is at fault in an aviation accident will often require the skills and knowledge of an experienced aviation accident lawyer.

In aviation accidents that occurred in Los Angeles, liable parties vary depending on the cause of the accident. The owner and operator of the aircraft and the manufacturers or maintenance suppliers may be held liable; even the federal government may bear some responsibility in an aircraft accident.

Vicarious Liability - Owner or Operator

If carelessness or recklessness can be proven, aircraft owners and operators will be held liable for the damages suffered by injured parties, including passengers, people on the ground, and even the pilot during an accident. If the aircraft was being operated by another person but not the owner when the accident occurred, the owner may still be held liable under a legal theory called vicarious liability.

Strict Liability - Manufacturer

The manufacturer of an aircraft can be held liable if the victim of an accident can prove that a defect in the product (the aircraft) or a component part caused his or her injuries. This is referred to as strict liability. It is important to remember that liability laws differ from state to state.

Comparative Fault - Both the Owner/Operator and the Manufacturer

In many cases, both the pilot and the manufacturer are held liable for an aircraft accident. This is called comparative fault. The jury must determine the percentage of liability attributable to each of the defendants. For example, a pilot may be 35 percent at fault for losing control of an aircraft, but the manufacturer may be 65 percent at fault for defective landing gear. Most states use comparative fault and distribute the blame between the two parties.

Liability of the Federal Government

Air traffic control is a primary duty of the federal government, which is under the responsibility of the FAA through the Air Traffic Control System (ATC). If an aircraft accident involves a collision, the ATC may be held accountable and included in the case as a defendant in litigation.

Common Carriers Liability

Commercial airlines fall under the legal classification of a common carrier and governed by a different, more stringent, standards than are private carriers. Common commercial airline are under the FAAs responsibility being the principle federal agency tasked with regulating air carriers and imposing standards, operating procedures, and monitoring the aircrafts. Finding liability of common carriers will need an understanding of the complex rules and regulations.

The Role of Lawyers in Aviation Accidents

Personal injury cases involving airplanes require the expertise of Los Angeles aviation accident lawyers. Aviation litigation is complex and often involves an analysis of state, federal, and potentially international law. Aviation accident cases also involve several issues that could affect the outcome of litigation: the parties that may be named as defendants, questions of venue, aviation engineering, industry standards and federal government rules and regulations. In this case, it would be better to leave the matter to the care of an experienced aviation accident lawyer.

Can Filing Bankruptcy Get You Fired

After your family, your job is one of the most important things to protect. It is, after all, your livelihood. For that exact reason, the bankruptcy code has built in protections for your job. The code actually prohibits employers for firing you solely because you filed bankruptcy. It is important to remember, however, that Missouri is an "at-will" employment state. That means that your employer can fire you for any reason they see fit, as long as it isn't illegal as in the case of firing for a bankruptcy. So, don't slack off because you think you are protected from being fired for anything while filing bankruptcy.

Some still think that their bosses will think poorly of them for filing bankruptcy. In my experience, I've discovered that isn't usually true. If your wages are being garnished or you are receiving harassing creditor calls at work, it is likely that your boss already knows you are in debt. Filing bankruptcy shows that you can take responsibility for your debt. It proves to your boss that when you have a problem, you can look for an effective solution. It can generate respect rather than disappointment.

What if you have a security clearance for work? How will that be affected? Never in my more than 15 years experience have I had a client's security clearance revoked. That doesn't mean that it can't happen, of course, but it does mean that the chances of it happening are slim at best.

If your job requires a security clearance, you probably already know the requirements that go into getting approved. Typically, they just want to make sure you are not the kind of person who may feel like you would have no choice but to share top secret information or do so in exchange for money. Being under a lot of stress from debt may make you more likely to do that. Filing bankruptcy, however, shows that you are taking responsibility for your debt.So, if your security clearance is up for review, just make sure that you are truthful about your situation and character and you will be fine.

It isn't really bankruptcy that has a negative effect on your life; it's debt. And the best way to combat that negative force is to get relief through a system proven to be safe and completely effective. Bankruptcy will change your lifefor the better.

Are You Looking Super Lawyer In Bexar County

Bexar County is a county in the US State of Texas. Its county seat is San Antonio. Bexar County is the central county of the San Antonio- New Braunfels Metropolitan Statistical Area. A lawyer, according to Blacks Law Dictionary, is a person learned in the law, as an attorney, counsel or solicitor, a person who is practicing law and Law is the system of rules of conduct established by the government of a society to correct wrongs, maintain the stability of political and social authority, and deliver justice

Working as a lawyer involves the practical application of theoretical legal theories and knowledge to solve specific individualized problems, or to advance the interests of those who retain lawyers to perform legal services. In practice, legal jurisdictions exercise their right to determine who is recognized as being a lawyer. As a result, the meaning of them, lawyer may be different from place to place.

A super Lawyer handles all the district Courts that hear Civil, Criminal, Juvenile and Family Court cases. They are independently handled Family Court, district Courts, High Courts and Supreme Court in litigation and corporate areas. In these professions, a lawyer is usually permitted to carry all the responsibilities listed below.

Oral argument in the Courts- Arguing a clients case before a judge or jury in a court of law is the traditional province of the barrister in Bexar County, and of advocates in some civil law jurisdictions.

Research and drafting of court papers- often, lawyers brief a court in writing on the issues in a case before the issues can be orally argued. They may have to perform extensive research into relevant facts and law while drafting legal papers and preparing for oral argument.

Legal advice- a good lawyer also provide legal advice in concrete facts of the clients case in order to advise the client about what they should do next.

Counseling (with regard to pending litigation)- An important aspect of a lawyers job is developing and managing relationship with clients.

Conveyancing Conveyancing is the drafting of the documents necessary for the transfer of real property, such as deeds and mortgages. In some jurisdictions, all real estate transactions must be carried out by a lawyer (or a solicitor where that distinction still exists).

Legal Documentation- Only lawyers have the legal authority to draft wills, trusts, and any other documents that ensure the efficient disposition of a persons property after death.

Administering Antibiotics Treat Group B Strep Infections In Newborns

A pregnant woman who is a carrier of the group b streptococcus might transmit the bacteria to her child during labor whether or not the mother does not present any symptoms. Studies demonstrate that from fifteen to forty percent of expecting mothers have Group b strep. Without treatment, a child born to a woman who with GBS has a one in two-hundred chance of developing a Group B Strep infection. By administering appropriate antibiotics as she starts labor the chance that she will pass the group b strep bacteria to her baby is decreased by 2,000%.

So as to determine which pregnant women require antibiotics while in labor, asymptomatic pregnant women are screened for GBS between the thirty-fifth and thirty-seventh week of the pregnancy. Undergoing testing for GBS is a straightforward procedure. Because the bacteria normally takes hold inside the urinary and vaginal tract of the expecting mother, a swab is used to get a sample. The outcome of the test are frequently available inside forty-eight hours.

If an infant develops a group b streptococcus infection but is not treated immediately, the infection could develop into pneumonia, sepsis or meningitis. Given that an infant's immune systems is not completely developed, the newborn might be left with permanent physical and neurological damage that may prevent the child from ever living a normal life. And of the approximately 7,600 babies each year who become infected with GBS there is a mortality rate of 10-15%.

Given the considerable danger a GBS infection presents for babies, physicians examining a baby who has symptoms consistent with a GBS infection and whose mother tested positive during the pregnancy need to incorporate it in their differential diagnosis. See, for example, a reported lawsuit in which an infant, born to a woman who had tested positive for the bacteria during the pregnancy, started to exhibit symptoms consistent with a Group B Strep infection shortly after birth. Yet, the pediatrician failed to match the symptoms in the babys postnatal record with the prenatal chart which recorded that the group b strep bacteria had been found in the mother during the pregnancy. Hence, the proper diagnosis was delayed and antibiotics were not given in a timely manner.

As a result of the time that passed before antibiotics were administered, the newborn sustained brain damage. The law firm that helped the family described that they were able to reach a settlement for the family for $750,000 with the doctor and $3,125,000 with the hospital.

Newborns can develop the group b strep infection even if antibiotics were given to the mother in the course of labor. Research conducted recently also revealed that a certain number of babies who develop the infection regardless of whether the mother tested negative. Doctors thus should consider it as part of their differential diagnosis whenever a baby exhibits signs consistent with group b streptococcus . As this matter illustrates The failure to check the prenatal chart and to consider Group B Strep might amount to liability for medical malpractice.

Who Owns The Copyright To Your Band's Logo

Designing a Band Logo is a very important step in a band's image and brand identity. A great logo communicates the essence of a band and target's its fans. The logo should be clear, easy to print and recognizable.

Once you have carefully developed your logo, it's important to understand who owns the copyright to it, because it's that person who is granted exclusive rights to the art. "Exclusive rights" means the owner of the copyright has the sole right to produce and reproduce the art. In other words, if you don't own your logo's art, you cannot take the image to print it on merchandising T-shirts, flyers, your CD cover, or a banner.

When we discuss logos in terms of copyright, it is not the actual name of the band that is being protected, but rather, the artistic element within the logo. In other words, two bands could have the name "Rock Your Soul" but each one would own the copyrights to their individual logo designs. Should another band use your logo design, they would be infringing. A Trademark, on the other hand, could be used to protect the actual name of the band because it is associated with the identity of the band.

As a general rule, the person or people who create the band logo are the owners of the copyright. However, there are a number of exceptions including: a commissioned work, a work made in the context of employment, transfer of copyrights, and licensing of copyrights.

If you commission someone to make your band's logo, then you, as the commissioning party, own the rights to the logo. When you are hiring someone for the purpose of making your logo, it is definitely advisable to have a contract that states you own the copyright. After all, what's the use of having a band logo and not even owning the rights to reproduce it?

Another instance where the logo might not belong to the artist who created it is if the band logo was created during the course of employment. In this case, if it was part of the scope of your job to create the art (i.e. you work at a design firm that creates logos), you do not own the copyrights -- the company who employs you does. To add another layer to this, if the company was commissioned by the band to make the logo, then the band would own the copyright to the logo, as discussed above.

In some cases, the owner of the band logo may actually choose to transfer all or some of the rights afforded by copyright law. This would require a written agreement detailing which copyrights are being transferred.

Lastly, the copyright ownership for the band logo could be licensed out. This means you grant permission to someone else to use your logo for a specified cost. In this case, you would still retain all the copyrights (unlike when you transfer the rights to someone else) and can specify the terms of the license.

As you can see, the circumstances regarding the creation of your band's logo are what dictate who owns the copyright to the image.

Pulled Over For Dui Avoid Conviction By Refusal

What should I do if I'm ever pulled over after having a few drinks?" This question ranks as number two of the top ten most frequently asked. Thus, I have decided to let my philosophy out of the bag. I want to preface this article by saying that I am by no means advocating drinking and driving. With that said, as a defense lawyer focusing on Howard County DUI law, I recognize that state DUI law is governed by a set of rules and regulations that should be, but are not, shared with the general public. This article is focused on the rules pertaining to the breath test and why those rules make consenting to a breath test such a terrible decision. The decision to consent or to refuse a breath test is the single most important decision when faced with potential DUI/DWI in Maryland. This tenuous area of law changed in January 2007, making it less advantageous, almost ludicrous, for anyone to ever take a breath test.

First things first, it is imperative to know that the result of a breath test is often used as the paramount evidence to illustrate a defendant's level of intoxication. In order to lay a proper foundation of how all of this will play out, I must back up a bit. The breath test decision will likely be the second big decision you will have to make if stopped for an alleged drinking and driving offense. The first will be whether or not to consent to field sobriety tests. Just like you have seen on all the television shows, a suspect will get pulled over, the officer will ask for his or her license and registration, and then will ask him or her to step out of their vehicle. Once removed, they will inevitably be asked to submit to field sobriety tests. You know the tests I mean: walking the line, standing on one leg and counting to 10,000, following the pen with your eyes, reciting the alphabet in multiple languages backwards. To cut to the chase, my philosophy is simply to never consent to field sobriety tests. After all, no matter what your mental state, how do you think you would do? As part of the rules, you have the unbridled right to refuse field sobriety tests. In fact, unlike the breath test, there is no penalty for refusing the field sobriety tests. Thus, you can only hurt yourself by going through this dog and pony show. Think about it for a second, you get stopped by the police for suspicion of driving drunk, then the first thing you are asked to do is voluntarily submit to a series of extremely difficult physical demonstrations. The bottom line is that consenting to the field tests is a lose/lose situation. If you do well you can be accused of being an extreme alcoholic that can do difficult things even when drunk, and if you fail the result is clear. Remember, if one were pulled over for DUI and refused the field sobriety tests they may still be arrested on suspicion of dui. Clearly, however, suspicion is much better in court than confirmation of DUI.

Moving on, once stopped for alleged drinking and driving you will likely be arrested, brought back to the police station, and asked whether or not you will consent to a breath test. What should you do? I will simply lay out the rules of the game and the answer should be clear. First of all, without a breath test the State will be forced at trial to prove that you were impaired solely based on the police observations of you. Imagine if you refused field sobriety tests, as I recommended, (which again you can do with no penalty) and refused a breath test. There would simply be little to no evidence to present at trial to show that you were either intoxicated or impaired. Let me pose a hypothetical example: John Doe gets pulled over on a Friday night for speeding. Upon speaking with the police officer, alcohol is detected on Mr. Doe's breath. Mr. Doe is removed from his car and asked to submit to field sobriety tests. He stops for a moment and thinks about David Zwanetz's DUI article and decides to be politely uncooperative and refuse to submit to the field tests. Mr. Doe is swiftly arrested, brought back the police station, and asked to submit to the breath test. Thinking "what would Dave Z do?" he refuses the breath test as well. Now what evidence will the State have at trial? 1) Mr. Doe was speeding, 2) Mr. Doe smelled like alcohol. On these facts, at trial, the State would most likely be unable to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Doe was either substantially or even slightly impaired. After all, Mr. Doe could surely smell like alcohol without actually consuming alcohol, and speeding is a relatively common offense that could surely be committed by a sober individual.

As I mentioned above, there is no penalty for refusing field sobriety tests, and therefore, no one should ever take them unless he or she is completely alcohol free. There is, however, a penalty for refusing a breath test. This penalty is the only reason why the question of whether or not to take the test is a question at all. Basically, if you refuse a breath test, the maximum criminal penalty you are facing can be increased. But, in order for there to be an enhanced criminal penalty there has to be a criminal conviction, which as I explained above is unlikely if one refuses the tests. Thus, the most worrisome penalty for most people comes not in District or Circuit Court but at the Motor Vehicle Administration. Interestingly, however, as of January 2007 the penalty for refusing a breath test so closely mirrors the penalty for taking the test and blowing a high result that there is simply no logical incentive to consent. Allow me to expand.
If charged with DUI/DWI in Howard County, Maryland, you would be facing both criminal and/or civil penalties. On the criminal end, you would be facing approximately one (1) year in jail and/or $1000.00 in fines. On the civil end, the MVA will conduct a hearing to decide what type of suspension, if any, to impose on your license. The level of suspension you would be facing would vary depending your choice of either taking or refusing the breath test. The penalty for refusing comes by way of the MVA possibly imposing a greater period of license suspension for a person that refuses to submit to a breath test. This is the legislature's way of encouraging people to take the breath test, and conversely, punishing those who pull the carpet from under the feet of the State. Interestingly, however, in my opinion in January of 2007 the legislature made a major blunder. Below I have broken down the three possible MVA penalties in order to expose the flaw.
- On a first offense DUI/DWI, if you take the breath test and blow a .08 .14 you could face up to 45 days of license suspension. That suspension can be modified to allow the suspended driver to go to and from work, school, alcohol counseling, and to any pre-planned doctor visits or to get meds.

- On a first offense DUI/DWI if you take the breath test a blow a .15 or above you are facing 90 days of suspension, which can only be modified by getting the ignition interlock system installed on your vehicle for 1 year.

- On a first offense DUI/DWI if you refuse a breath test you are facing 120 days of license suspension, which can only be modified by getting the ignition interlock installed on your vehicle for a period of 1 year.

Now do you see? The MVA/legislative penalty for taking a test and blowing a .15 or higher is almost exactly the same as refusing the test outright. Therefore, there is absolutely no logical incentive to take a breath test and give the Police and the State's Attorneys the evidence they need to convict you. Additionally, everyone is entitled to a request an MVA hearing where an attorney like me can fight to prevent one from getting suspended at all. The long and short of it is that if your refuse both the field tests and the breath test you will most probably be acquitted in criminal court, where you are facing jail, but have to face minutely smaller penalties at the MVA. Would anyone choose possible jail over possible license suspension? I know I wouldn't.

In my years of study I have always been fascinated with how little the general public knows about the very laws that govern their daily lives. I find nothing wrong with sharing the rules of the game, even if it means exposing flaws in the system. Unquestionably, with knowledge comes power and in no way do I intend to keep this power to myself.

Jury Selection gut Versus The Juror Profile

In "Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking" Malcolm Gladwell writes about how many of the choices that we make are made in an instant and often are better than the choices that we make after a great deal of reflection and study.

While he writes that some instantaneous decisions can be disastrous (such as the shooting of Amadou Diallo in 1999 by several policemen), the main interest in his book comes from those times that people make very quick decisions that turn out to be very good decisions.

One example he uses is about the decision of the Getty Museum to purchase a sixth century B.C. kouros (a sculpture). The decision was not made until a great deal of scientific study was done. However, a number of art historians and curators took one look at it and immediately thought that something was amiss. The kouros turned out to be a fake.

In litigation, perhaps the most crucial moment when fast decisions are called for is in the jury selection process. Often the decision about who to strike must be made in a matter of minutes or even seconds. What is often at war is the "gut" feeling of the attorney and the scientific data that have been collected, analyzed, and turned into a juror profile. Which is better: the "gut" feeling or the scientifically developed juror profile?

One important point that Gladwell makes is that decisions made in a "blink" are more likely to be good decisions when the decision-maker has a great deal of experience with and knowledge of the subject matter about which he or she is deciding (as in the psychologist John Gottman's ability to predict the future success of a marriage after listening to only five minutes of conversation between a husband and wife).

There could be a huge range in the quality of the "gut" feeling of an attorney who has picked dozens of juries for the same type of case and the attorney who is doing this for the first time. Gladwell also points out that under certain circumstances the quality of a decision can be affected by having too much information.

I have often seen attorneys that get so caught up in the minutiae of a complex juror profile that they fail to pay attention to the gestalt--the whole--of the person being profiled. It must also be remembered that a juror profile is never one hundred percent valid. In fact, a very good profile is one that is good two-thirds of the time.

There are also differences between bad and good jury profiles. A bad profile will simply be a list of characteristics that have been shown to be statistically related to verdict predisposition (although there are powerful statistical models like logistic regression that can generate ideas about the predispositions of potential jurors).

A good jury profile is built on a theory of what will determine a verdict predisposition. Here you will have a sense of the type of person who will be predisposed to decide one way or another. It does not depend on discrete characteristics, but how those characteristics hold together to describe a person.

Indeed, it could be argued that it is extremely difficult to make a good jury selection decision using any method. As my colleague, Ross Laguzza, has pointed out, jury selection is about trying to predict the decision that will be made by an almost complete stranger at some distant point in the future--a task that would be difficult to do even with someone you know very well.

In the end, the best jury selection decision will be made by an experienced attorney who has internalized a good jury profile (that is, he or she believes it and intuitively understands it).

When we work with attorneys in the jury selection process, we make a point of telling them not to ignore their "gut" and to factor it into their actions. How much it should be factored in depends on the amount of experience the attorney has in selecting juries in the past and how successful that experience has been.

But, in the end, our clients are the ones who will be held responsible for the decisions they make.

Importance Of Security And Confidentiality In Legal Transcription

Security and confidentiality are of prime importance in legal transcription. All legal files contain critical information that are not only vital to the success of the legal professional or law firm, but also contain details that could be exploited and used against the attorneys clients by others. That could bring about disastrous consequences for the clients of legal professionals.

Efficiency of Transcription Outsourcing

Legal transcription outsourcing can significantly help law firms and legal professionals streamline their functioning and save resources. A reliable transcription company offers accurate transcription of various kinds of legal documents including briefs, client letters, legal pleadings, court transcripts, conference calls, wire tap, general correspondence, trials, and law office recordings.

The transcribers, editors and managers of the legal transcription company are trained and experienced in all aspects and various branches of law, which is why they can help tackle all kinds of transcription challenges faced by attorneys, lawyers, other legal professionals, law firms and even businesses.

Security and Confidentiality Are Important

But all of that would be of little advantage if legal transcription services are not cost-effective and secure. Experienced transcription companies provide competitively priced plans customized according to the individual needs of client companies. There are also many high-tech security measures employed to provide clients with safe and accurate transcription.

Safety Features of Outsourced Legal Transcription

An experienced legal transcription company has high tech solutions to ensure security during the transcription process. Some of these processes and logical steps include:

Disabling of floppy drivers and all external drivers on the computers of the transcription company

Computer systems and databases of the company secured by password

Random checks of all files in computer systems conducted on regular basis

Legal transcription work and all data kept safe within the office

Security measures employed to prevent vandalism or theft of information

Sub-contractors not hired

Regular back-ups carried out of all the files, and all the file lockers secured by password

All antivirus software and firewalls updated on a 24-hour basis

Sophisticated 128-bit encryption used to secure all the files

Destroyed hard copies shredded within office premises

All employees are trained in the various security measures. They are not allowed to take away information in their drives, PDA, and laptops. In addition, employees are not allowed to carry any paper documents. Non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements are signed by all employees including transcriptionists, administrators, editors, and other staff members. All employees are checked while entering and exiting the office premises and all guidelines followed in securing delicate information. Technical evaluations are carried out on a regular basis and all necessary procedures are undertaken to ensure client confidentiality, document availability and data integrity. Round-the-clock security personnel are employed to ensure security and confidentiality of client data.

These features are proof that legal professionals can confidently hand over their legal files to transcription companies. The importance of security and confidentiality in legal transcription is never underestimated by the legal transcription company.

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