Proof that the ocean is huge
Is that pipe still leaking oil in the Gulf of Mexico?
What is it now, day 100?

What is it now, day 100?
Cancer Purple Heart Seattle America Car Donation Volunteer
Donation truck jobs | MySpace Jobs
Car Donation at Car Donation USA
Britain Kingdom UK Niche Search Engine
Seattle travel guide - Wikitravel
Donate Car to Charity - Boat, Vehicle - Used Auto donations
Car Charity Checkup directory by category donations
Hold donor stipulated funds penalty, non profit logo design, ias ...
Car Donation site map
Car Donation Program|Purple Heart Car Donation|Car Charitys Donation
Car Donation Diabetes - Support the ADA
Donate Your Vehicle - American Diabetes Association
Car Donations : Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International
Car Donation Form - American Diabetes Association
Car Donations : Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International - Support the ADA
Donate Car to American Diabetes Association
Donate Car to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
This will be our 3rd TELUS Walk to Cure Diabetes and our 2nd year dealing with Diabetes in a toddler/preschooler. Every day is a challenge but we overcome them. Sometimes there are hospital stays and some times there are perfect blood sugar days but no two days are ever the same with this disease. That is why I want more then anything to find the cure for this disease, so that the next time I turn around in the car and see Abby sleeping I will know its because she's tired, not because her blood sugar dropped and she has passed out, so that there won't be any more pokes or injections, so that Abby can excitedly say that she used to have diabetes ... Please help us fund the research to find the cure for diabetes by watching our video and donating to our team. Thank you in advance :)
Donate Car | Purple Heart Car Donation | Diabetes Car Donation ...
Donate Car to Latino Diabetes Association
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Scam exposed by Post - Dispatch is being repeated A clever song with a catchy melody, sung by a small child and a country-twang male vocalist, delivers the message:"1-877 Kars for kids, K-a-r-s, cars for kids, 1-877 Kars for kids, Donate your car today." A narrator chimes in saying Kars4Kids is a ... See all stories on this topic » |
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Tax Benefits of Donating a Vehicle Fox Business (press release) The charity must give you substantiation of the Internal Revenue Service-allowed donation amount within 30 days of when you turn your car over to the charity or, if the group sells the auto, within 30 days of the vehicle's sale. If you haven't heard ... See all stories on this topic » | ||
Reprinted from 2005: Radio jingle is catchy — and it may catch you Donate your car today." The advertising spots, which have been airing on KMOX since before Thanksgiving, offer few details on the vehicle donation program. They tell listeners the program is a "recognized charity" and donors will receive a "maximum ... See all stories on this topic » |
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1st Time in New York
This time surveying out of time we were sent to New York. I've never been in the state of New York and so far it's been great. Yesterday we surveyed the Elmira Regional Airport. It was great being able to walk across the runways after getting permission from the flight controller over the CB and being only a few hundred feet from the planes landing. Also this time surveying was a little different then what i've done before. Instead of walking along the roads, now i get to walk through farmers fields, swamps and woods.
Other then the airport, i had the most fun walking through horse corrals. It was a little scary at first but after a while the would just follow me around. The lady that worked there said we could go for a ride some time. I'm hoping we get a day off soon.
Here's a little of what i've seen so far. I'll be sure to post some more pictures when i get back.
the greatest jesus sign ever
bored while standing in the middle of the swamp, with water almost up to my knees
Next week we'll be heading to Scranton Pennsylvania. I hope that i can get time to walk around and see some of the places in the opening credits of The Office.
If everything goes well, i'll be home by the 4th of July. Otherwise it looks like i'll be watching fireworks in Scranton.
see ya
Ok i just found this.... I was uploading the pictures onto the Comfort Inn hotels lobby computer and came across this picture that was saved in the My Pictures folder. I don't know what it is, or why it is on there but it's hilarious. Just some dude hanging out on his couch, with his cat, in front of his extensive VHS collection. I just know that this is the picture that comes up when you find this guy on some online dating service...
Other then the airport, i had the most fun walking through horse corrals. It was a little scary at first but after a while the would just follow me around. The lady that worked there said we could go for a ride some time. I'm hoping we get a day off soon.
Here's a little of what i've seen so far. I'll be sure to post some more pictures when i get back.
buzzing the tower, Top Gun style
curious horses
Next week we'll be heading to Scranton Pennsylvania. I hope that i can get time to walk around and see some of the places in the opening credits of The Office.
If everything goes well, i'll be home by the 4th of July. Otherwise it looks like i'll be watching fireworks in Scranton.
see ya
Ok i just found this.... I was uploading the pictures onto the Comfort Inn hotels lobby computer and came across this picture that was saved in the My Pictures folder. I don't know what it is, or why it is on there but it's hilarious. Just some dude hanging out on his couch, with his cat, in front of his extensive VHS collection. I just know that this is the picture that comes up when you find this guy on some online dating service...

Kidney Car Donation Charities
Charity Car Donation: Donate a Car to the American Kidney Fund
List of Car Donation Charities - Find a Car Donation Charity
NKF of Western New York
NKF Serving Upstate New York
Donate Car to American Kidney Fund
How to Donate a Car to a Kidney Foundation: Used Car Donation |
Car | Kidney Kars Blog
Pick a Real Utah Charity for your Car Donation | Kidney Kars Blog
Every single day, the Kidney Car program receives over 100 car donations. In fact, our car donation program is one of the oldest and largest used charity car programs in the country. Kidney Cars has been in operation since 1983, and during that time over 685,000 people have donated their car, truck or boat to the National Kidney Foundations vehicle donation program. Help save lives by donating today.
National Kidney Foundation | Car Charity Donation
How to About Animal Charities That Accept Car Donations |
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Car Donations That Benefit Religious Charities | Car Donation Blog Whether you're interested in donating a car to benefit kids, animals, religious ... Here are a few religious mission based charities that you can donate a vehicle to ... |
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Donate A Car Canada Lends a Hand in Providing Unique Support for the Red ... SYS-CON Media (press release) The cloud is certainly a compelling alternative to running all applications within a traditional corporate data center. But moving from theory into practice is where things get complicated, and this is where attending a top industry event like Cloud ... See all stories on this topic » |
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List of Texas Car Insurance
Texas car insurance companies are the companies that offering vehicles registered in the Lone Star State. The requirements for Texas car insurance policies are regulated by the Texas Department Of Insurance (TDI).
Texas is a huge state, so the companies operating in the state are selling into a huge market. There is lot of competition on auto insurance rates and the TDI lists the 40 largest insurance companies in Texas on their website. A lot of the largest providers nationally are also writing policies in Texas, but there also are some smaller ones as shown on the listing.
Here are the list of Texas car insurance:
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 100.0
Farmers Texas County Mutual Insurance Company 50.2
Progressive County Mutual Insurance Company 45.8
Government Employees Insurance Company 24.7
Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company 22.4
Old American County Mutual Fire Insurance Company 20.4
Allstate Indemnity Company 19.3
United Services Automobile Association 16.5
Home State County Mutual Insurance Company 14.9
Consumers County Mutual Insurance Company 13.5
USAA Casualty Insurance Company 12.9
Allstate County Mutual Insurance Company 12.9
Colonial County Mutual Insurance Company 11.7
Texas Farm Bureau Casualty Insurance Company 11.1
State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas 10.7
Southern County Mutual Insurance Company 10.2
Loya Insurance Company 9.7
Liberty County Mutual Insurance Company 9.0
Geico Indemnity Company 8.4
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company 6.6
AAA Texas County Mutual Insurance Company 5.8
Texas Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company 5.8
Foremost County Mutual Insurance Company 5.6
Garrison Property and Casualty Insurance Company 4.6
Mid-Century Insurance Company of Texas 4.4
Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company 4.3
USAA General Indemnity Company 4.1
Germania Select Insurance Company 3.7
Amica Mutual Insurance Company 3.5
ACCC Insurance Company 3.3
Metropolitan Lloyds Insurance Company of Texas 3.3
Unitrin County Mutual Insurance Company 3.2
Bristol West Specialty Insurance Company 2.9
21st Century Centennial Insurance Company 2.7
Infinity County Mutual Insurance Company 2.7
Farm Bureau County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas 2.6
Mercury County Mutual Insurance Company 2.5
Geico General Insurance Company 2.5
Allstate Insurance Company 2.4
Trinity Universal Insurance Company 2.3
To use this list try one or more of these insurers for quotes, and that way you can compare car insurance Texas. In addition to this list for finding auto insurance companies in Texas, the Texas Department of Insurance site provides a lot of resources to help you.
Donated Car
Donate a Car at
Donate Car - Fast online car donation process | Kars4Kids
Donate Car Directly to Charity | Cars For Causes Car Donation Program
Donate cars - Free Hotel Voucher with car donation | Kars4Kids
Donate cars . Free Vacation when you donate car.
Donate car . Tv- Donate a car and save on taxes!
Donate Car, Donate My Car
Donate Car - Donating Your Car to Charity - Online Guide - DMV.ORG To Donate a Car to Charity, this is hands down the best service in Toronto and across the country. Cut out the middleman and make sure 100% of the proceeds go to your favourite charity.
America's Car Donation Charities Center
Donate Car for Charity uses your car donation to help those in need
How to Process Car Donation Easier- Donate Car To Goodwill:
Donate My Car Strategies
In America, people can dispose their old cars by donating it to charitable organizations.
Charities can use the cars for their activities or they can also sell the car to raise funds for
their organization. In return, the government awards individuals tax considerations because it
recognizes the good intention behind the act of donating cars.
How to Participate in this Activity
If you own a car that you no longer need, you can give it back to a charity. You can also
contact a local agency that handles car donations for non-profit organizations to help you
with the donation. You can still benefit from this arrangement because you are granted tax
breaks for engaging in this practice.
However, you need to be careful when picking a charitable organization because not all
charities are recognized by the government. If you are new to this practice, there are also
agencies which act as the middle man that will handle all the paperwork in your behalf.
These firms will process everything, from auctioning the car to donating portion of the
proceeds to your chosen charity.
Apart from helping you auction and donate the proceeds to charity, the firm will also help you
file the appropriate deduction as indicated in the law. But you need to be careful when
choosing the firm that will handle your used car. Some of these firms are unreliable because
they will only give a small portion back to your chosen non-profit organization. These
unreliable firms are only here to take advantage of you and your chosen charity which is why
you need to pick a trustworthy company that will help you dispose your used car.
Visit This Link
Benefits of Donating Cars to Charity
As mentioned earlier, if you donate your used car to a charity recognized by the government,
you are entitled to tax considerations. The amount to be deducted would depend on what the
charity does with your vehicle. For instance, if you valued your vehicle at $4,000 but the
charity was able to sell it for $3,500, the allowable amount to be deducted is the latter. You
can never claim beyond the amount gained by the charity. In other instances, wherein the
charity will use your vehicle instead of sell it, you are allowed to use the fair market value of
the vehicle as the basis for tax deduction.
There are numerous ways of giving back to the society especially to underprivileged
members in the community. Offering something which could help the needy is one of the
many things you can do to uplift their wellbeing. Giving cars to charity is a classic example of
helping the poor. Handing them a useful and valuable object will truly help uplift their status in
the community. Recipients can use the car in one of their functions as a non-profit
organization. These groups can also sell the car and raise funds to finance their operations.
However, it can't be avoided if we feel skeptical about this practice especially when there are
bogus charitable institutions operating among legitimate ones in the society. Some of these
groups accept car donations but they only give a small portion back to the needy. As such, it
is crucial to select the right group because the focus here is to give back to the society where
it matters. Donating your car to unreliable organizations would defeat the purpose of helping
the needy. This is why it is really important to choose well when planning to donate your
asset. To be sure that your efforts to help the needy will not go to waste, select a charity or
group with reputation. The reliable ones are those that give a huge portion of the proceeds to
the underprivileged.
On another note, you as the donor will also benefit from the said practice. The government
awards car donors with tax considerations because it recognizes the goodwill behind the
gesture. Individuals who donate their cars to charity are allowed to use the amount of the
proceeds as tax deductible. If the car is sold at the asset's fair market value, the owner is
allowed to use that value as tax deductible. But if the asset was sold below FMV, the donor
can only use that value as deductible.
All in all, if you own a car that you no longer use and you feel helping the needy in your
society, giving the car to charitable institutions is the most sensible way to dispose you car.
In America, people can dispose their old cars by donating it to charitable organizations.
Charities can use the cars for their activities or they can also sell the car to raise funds for
their organization. In return, the government awards individuals tax considerations because it
recognizes the good intention behind the act of donating cars.
How to Participate in this Activity
If you own a car that you no longer need, you can give it back to a charity. You can also
contact a local agency that handles car donations for non-profit organizations to help you
with the donation. You can still benefit from this arrangement because you are granted tax
breaks for engaging in this practice.
However, you need to be careful when picking a charitable organization because not all
charities are recognized by the government. If you are new to this practice, there are also
agencies which act as the middle man that will handle all the paperwork in your behalf.
These firms will process everything, from auctioning the car to donating portion of the
proceeds to your chosen charity.
Apart from helping you auction and donate the proceeds to charity, the firm will also help you
file the appropriate deduction as indicated in the law. But you need to be careful when
choosing the firm that will handle your used car. Some of these firms are unreliable because
they will only give a small portion back to your chosen non-profit organization. These
unreliable firms are only here to take advantage of you and your chosen charity which is why
you need to pick a trustworthy company that will help you dispose your used car.
Visit This Link
Benefits of Donating Cars to Charity
As mentioned earlier, if you donate your used car to a charity recognized by the government,
you are entitled to tax considerations. The amount to be deducted would depend on what the
charity does with your vehicle. For instance, if you valued your vehicle at $4,000 but the
charity was able to sell it for $3,500, the allowable amount to be deducted is the latter. You
can never claim beyond the amount gained by the charity. In other instances, wherein the
charity will use your vehicle instead of sell it, you are allowed to use the fair market value of
the vehicle as the basis for tax deduction.
There are numerous ways of giving back to the society especially to underprivileged
members in the community. Offering something which could help the needy is one of the
many things you can do to uplift their wellbeing. Giving cars to charity is a classic example of
helping the poor. Handing them a useful and valuable object will truly help uplift their status in
the community. Recipients can use the car in one of their functions as a non-profit
organization. These groups can also sell the car and raise funds to finance their operations.
However, it can't be avoided if we feel skeptical about this practice especially when there are
bogus charitable institutions operating among legitimate ones in the society. Some of these
groups accept car donations but they only give a small portion back to the needy. As such, it
is crucial to select the right group because the focus here is to give back to the society where
it matters. Donating your car to unreliable organizations would defeat the purpose of helping
the needy. This is why it is really important to choose well when planning to donate your
asset. To be sure that your efforts to help the needy will not go to waste, select a charity or
group with reputation. The reliable ones are those that give a huge portion of the proceeds to
the underprivileged.
On another note, you as the donor will also benefit from the said practice. The government
awards car donors with tax considerations because it recognizes the goodwill behind the
gesture. Individuals who donate their cars to charity are allowed to use the amount of the
proceeds as tax deductible. If the car is sold at the asset's fair market value, the owner is
allowed to use that value as tax deductible. But if the asset was sold below FMV, the donor
can only use that value as deductible.
All in all, if you own a car that you no longer use and you feel helping the needy in your
society, giving the car to charitable institutions is the most sensible way to dispose you car.
Car Donation Program
Donate a Car at
All Car Donation Programs Are Not Created Equal
Car Donation – Kids Car Donation, Donate Car to Charity ...
Car Donation, Charity Car Donation - | 1-800-488-CARS
Donation Line, LLC
Cars Helping America
Donate Car Directly to Charity | Cars For Causes Car Donation Program
Donate Car
The Outreach Center giving away an Motorhome to a needy family
Purple Heart Car Donation Program
Donate Your Car with SVDP through the Car Donate Program
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Ad : DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR RV. - The Daily News DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR RV. Tax deductible. Help Mountain Ministries save lives from addiction through Jesus. Call 577-7739, 430-7028, 430-6803 or ... | ||
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Car Donation Cancer Society
ACS :: Cars for a Cure®
Donate Car to Breast Cancer Society
cancer society car donation
Donate Car to Breast Cancer Society Inc.
Donate Car to National Children's Cancer Society, Inc.
ACS :: Donate
Donate Car to Have A Heart Childrens Cancer Society
cancer society - Car Donation: Cancer Society vs Father Joe's
Organized by Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity, the car-smashing event gave students a chance to get their frustrations out for a donation to the American Cancer Society.
National Children's Cancer Society | Car Charity Donation
Car Donation, Donate Car
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GCC gets hybrid car donation Your Daily Jon Parker, left, of State Farm Insurance in Ironwood, has donated a vehicle to Gogebic Community College's automotive technology program. Instructor Jon Werkmeister, said the donation saved the college thousands of dollars. IRONWOOD TOWNSHIP ... See all stories on this topic » |
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How Good Is Your Auto Insurance Rates
Car is one thing that important for every people. We need to prevent anything bad that will be happen later. We may to shop an auto insurance. There is many insurance company, and you must choose the best for you. Compare some auto insurance rates is the important thing you take to choose the right insurance. This time, I will show you some auto insurance rates that I have got from Progressive Direct on May 29, 2013.
Auto Shopper C.S. in FL
Ford Fiesta
5/29, 8:29 AM ET
State Farm $1802 - $1802
Progressive Direct $2014
Auto Range of Rates $212
Auto Shopper T.R. in MI
Audi A6
Chrysler Town and Country
5/29, 8:29 AM ET
Progressive Direct $1405
Nationwide $2185 - $2643
Allstate $2200 - $2828
Auto Range of Rates $1423
Auto Shopper E.F. in MN
Subaru Outback
5/29, 8:28 AM ET
Progressive Direct $351
Am. Family $456 - $503
Nationwide $521 - $718
Auto Range of Rates $367
Auto Shopper j.b. in KY
Chevrolet Cavalier
Ford F-250 Super Duty
Mitsubishi Endeavor
5/29, 8:27 AM ET
Allstate $714
State Farm (A) $1252 - $1682
Progressive Direct $1619
State Farm (B) $1733 - $2263
Auto Range of Rates $1549
Auto Shopper D.S. in TX
Acura MDX
Lexus ES 350
Nissan Versa
5/29, 8:27 AM ET
Progressive Direct $1636
State Farm (A) $1776 - $2078
State Farm (B) $2183 - $2550
Allstate (A) $2672 - $3080
Allstate (B) $6024 - $6364
Auto Range of Rates $4728
Auto Shopper C.c. in IL
GMC Terrain
Hyundai Veloster
5/29, 8:27 AM ET
Erie (A) $473 - $635
State Farm (A) $513 - $611
State Farm (B) $564 - $671
Erie (B) $577 - $788
Progressive Direct $606
Am. Family $723 - $871
Allstate (A) $745 - $803
Allstate (B) $1961 - $2153
Auto Range of Rates $1680
Auto Shopper T.M. in AZ
Ford Ranger
5/29, 8:27 AM ET
State Farm $188 - $212
Allstate $231 - $244
Am.Standard $291 - $352
Progressive Direct $292
Auto Range of Rates $164
Auto Shopper o.h. in NY
Nissan Maxima
5/29, 8:26 AM ET
NYAIP $3355
State Farm $3890 - $3890
Progressive Direct $9460
Auto Range of Rates $6105
Auto Shopper M.A. in FL
Honda CR-V
5/29, 8:26 AM ET
GEICO (A) $407 - $1116
State Farm (A) $482 - $551
Nationwide $606 - $693
Progressive Direct $617
State Farm (B) $687 - $780
GEICO (B) $1002 - $2473
Auto Range of Rates $2066
Auto Shopper C.S. in CA
Lexus IS 300
5/29, 8:26 AM ET
Progressive Direct $701
Allstate $730
State Farm $845
Auto Range of Rates $144
Auto Shopper m.c. in TX
Nissan Rogue
5/29, 8:26 AM ET
Allstate (A) $520 - $716
Progressive Direct $632
Allstate (B) $1355 - $1534
Auto Range of Rates $1014
Auto Shopper D.S. in NH
Toyota Yaris
5/29, 8:25 AM ET
State Farm (A) $324 - $824
State Farm (B) $436 - $1105
Allstate $523
Progressive Direct $599
Auto Range of Rates $781
Auto Shopper J.B. in AL
Ford Focus
5/29, 8:25 AM ET
Progressive Direct $1417
State Farm $1522 - $3882
Auto Range of Rates $2465
Auto Shopper J.R. in MN
Chevrolet Camaro
Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD
Chrysler Town and Country
5/29, 8:32 AM ET
State Farm $1365 - $1557
Progressive Direct $1496
Am.Standard $1869 - $2222
Auto Range of Rates $857
Auto Shopper D.B. in NY
Honda Civic
5/29, 8:30 AM ET
State Farm $886 - $1057
Progressive Direct $1113
NYAIP $1592
Auto Range of Rates $706
Auto Shopper J.D. in WA
Lexus ES 300
5/29, 8:30 AM ET
Allstate (A) $587 - $734
Progressive Direct $831
Am. Family $860 - $1020
Allstate (B) $1059 - $1178
State Farm $1374 - $1592
Auto Range of Rates $1005
Auto Shopper c.l. in FL
Ford Mustang
5/29, 8:30 AM ET
GEICO (A) $264 - $837
Progressive Direct $380
GEICO (B) $585 - $1544
State Farm (A) $611 - $611
State Farm (B) $1191 - $1191
Auto Range of Rates $1280
Auto Shopper e.w. in CO
Jeep Liberty
Lincoln Mark LT
5/29, 8:30 AM ET
Progressive Direct $959
State Farm $1413 - $1986
Allstate $1534
Am.Standard $1566 - $1871
Auto Range of Rates $1027
Auto Shopper D.O. in MN
Chevrolet Cavalier
Chrysler 300
5/29, 8:30 AM ET
Progressive Direct $508
Nationwide $627 - $821
State Farm $1052 - $1191
Auto Range of Rates $683
Auto Shopper J.D. in WI
Honda CR-V
5/29, 8:30 AM ET
State Farm (A) $102 - $255
State Farm (B) $114 - $283
Am. Family $140 - $150
Progressive Direct $165
Nationwide $207 - $226
Am.Standard $228 - $238
Auto Range of Rates $181
Every state has a department of insurance to regulates the insurance industry, and all auto insurers are required to file their insurance rates with these regulators. Companies file their insurance rates in every state that they do business, which means their calculation methods are made public. Because of this, any insurance company can see how other companies determine their rates.
Donate My Car To Charity
Donate a Car at
Donate Car to Charity, Vehicle Donation Guide, Donate my Car
Donate Car - Fast online car donation process | Kars4Kids
Car Donations CarAngel Car Donation - Donate Car Angel - Donate Auto
Car donation
Kars4kids Car Donation
All You Need to Know to Donate a Car to Charity
Should I Donate My Car to Charity? - we provide Car Donation,Car Donations,Car Charity,Car Charities,Donate Car,Donate My Car
Donate RV for Charity and RV Donation Information and Questions
Donate my car - Answers to your questions
Americans Hate Soccer
First, the Pro's and Con's

And this little darling in the red is one of the dirtiest players ever. She's in college and is shown here pulling a girl to the ground using her ponytail.

I do remember several year ago that the USA womens team won something. The world cup maybe?? I'm not sure what it was but it seemed important at the time. Everyone said that it would bring new life and revolution soccer in the USA. It didn't. Or maybe it did, i don't know, i don't pay attention to soccer.
The only people that like soccer in America are little kids under the ages of 12 and people who moved here from another country.
I mean it was kind of fun watching it last week and i was upset that they lost but i'll end up forgetting about it in a week. They tried putting American soccer on right after the match was over, something like Phillidelphia vs. Miami. I had no interest in watching so i turned it off.
Every 4 years we get fired up about the summer and winter olympics. But the US team could lose every game and never score a goal OR win every single game by 7 goals and still no one here would care.
- It makes more sense calling something Football since they use their foot. Versus our football which should be called something else, like Run-Pass-and-Tackle-Ball
- It is apparently the "hardest" sport to play, given the constant running around
- For poor kids in Africa it's a good sport cause all you need is a ball, or many plastic bags and the ability to tie quasi-hexagonal knots
- Their offsides is dumb. Similar to offsides in hockey except replace the blue line with the defender closest to their end of the field. The problem with it is that it is always changing with the movement of the player, making it difficult for the referees. Also the whiny soccer defenders try to intentionally make players offsides by suddenly running forward. Rather then play defense, they reason that tricking an offensive player into being offsides is easier. Then they raise their hand to the ref's. Which leads me to my next con.
- It reminds me a lot of the NBA when a player thinks he got fouled. There the player yells then flops to the court. In soccer the player looks to the referee and raises his hand. Then if the ref doesn't call the offsides or foul, no less then 4 players run up to him and scream in his face.
- Crying. Whether to the ref's or just in general.
- Utter bewilderment when they miss a shot. They react as if every shot they have ever taken on a goal has gone in and this one time is the first time they have ever missed. Most announcers say so-and-so AGONIZES after missing that goal. Well they sure act like it's agony. They usually put their hands on their head in some way.

- Faking injuries, almost dead, then being completely fine 10 seconds later.

- The WORST thing about all of this is that kids watching this on tv think, well that's how the professionals act so i guess i should do it to. Thus continuing this acting, crying, whining in soccer.
- Dirty players

And this little darling in the red is one of the dirtiest players ever. She's in college and is shown here pulling a girl to the ground using her ponytail.

I do remember several year ago that the USA womens team won something. The world cup maybe?? I'm not sure what it was but it seemed important at the time. Everyone said that it would bring new life and revolution soccer in the USA. It didn't. Or maybe it did, i don't know, i don't pay attention to soccer.

The only people that like soccer in America are little kids under the ages of 12 and people who moved here from another country.
I mean it was kind of fun watching it last week and i was upset that they lost but i'll end up forgetting about it in a week. They tried putting American soccer on right after the match was over, something like Phillidelphia vs. Miami. I had no interest in watching so i turned it off.
Every 4 years we get fired up about the summer and winter olympics. But the US team could lose every game and never score a goal OR win every single game by 7 goals and still no one here would care.
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